Thursday, February 18, 2010

"The best photo I ever took, was the one I never took"

The quote above is from 13thWitness and it applied to me today. I was driving down Biscayne on my way to lunch when I saw this man dressed so Sartorialist. He was wearing a tan dress shirt with rolled up sleeves and matching slacks that were tucked into his tube socks, with some old sneakers on. He had this thick black sweater wrapped around his chest like an X and tied in the back. I doubled back around the block to see if I could take a portrait of him. As I got closer I noticed sticking out of his sweater were some small colorful flowers. And tucked in the back of his slacks a newspaper. He kept a well trimmed mustache and beard. And as he walked down the street towards me smoking a cigarette he looked as if he won a million bucks. I stepped out of my car to ask him if I could take a photo of him and it was then that I realized he was homeless and I that point he noticed my camera and realized what I was going to ask him. He turned around and ran the other way. Leaving me in the street looking stuck. He was dressed so well and you could tell he took pride in the way he look and it was that same pride that wouldn't allow him to be photographed. I honestly think that if I could have photographed him it would have been the best photograph I ever took. I really hope I have the opportunity to see him again. The way he dressed really inspired me in the sense that no matter how ruff things are there's always something to look forward to whether it's seeing your significant other after a long days work or getting up in the morning and looking your best. Man I hope I run into him soon.

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