I just came across a cool image bookmarking site called typeish.com/. Its like FFFOUND but they quote on quote carefully select good pieces to put up. Check it out
Still listening to Ware who is now bashing Britto. I love it
If you know me you know that my favorite typeface is Avant Garde created by Herbert Lubalin in the late 60's. From the beginning i knew the typeface was only intended for the original Avant Garde logo and titles. I love this typeface because of it perfect geometry. But they say this is why the typeface is ugly. I somewhat agree. The lowercase letters should not be used for bodycopy. I guess that means i should change the bodycopy in the school newsletter. lol. I should of realized that it was a bad typeface for bodycopy when i saw it used as bodycopy in a porn magazine. lmao. I still believe if you master the ligatures it is one of the most beautiful typesfaces in the world, and it is still my favorite typeface.
Here are some logos I've done recently for the AIGA and ADFED chapters in my school. I don't know if there gonna be used though. Im also gonna post an article about Avant Garde. It talks about its uses and the history of it's creation.
The New York times has just launched a website that allows you to view 71 years of history and news. The site contains the very first issue of the New York Times September 18, 1851 to December 22, 1922. The site is awesome. You can download whole PDF's of the paper. From the issue that reported Lincolns assassination to the issue that reported the end of WWI. I wish i had this shit in middle school and high school. Kids today have it so damn easy. LOL.
Can anyone please tell me why the Mormon Church is advertising on DaFont. Please anyone tell me. Is it blasphemy for me to be asking this? Or is it blasphemy that they are advertising online? Religions should not be advertising. I mean seriously. The only advertising they should have is word of mouth which essentially is the best form of advertising.
Currently listening to "Gettin' It In" Jada Kiss Feat. Kanye West
I was getting ready to go to sleep. I was halfway to lala land when this came on. I HAD to jump out of bed and post it. From what I can find there are two studios responsible for this incredible awesomeness.
I have to write a poem for my creative writing class tomorrow and i have writers block. Sucks. So i decided to mess around with this photograph i took of my kid brother. Came out awesome. Let me know what you think.
Currently listening to "U Still Got It" Jamie Foxx Feat. Common
Moleskin users, behold the pen clip. Perfect match for any moleskin. I know all you tight jean wearing motherfuckers are gonna be buying this. LOL. It's a little pricey but well worth it.
Help me sell this portfolio if you know someone that needs it. The book is 17x 20. It has 20 15x 17.5 pages. I'm asking $50 for it, email me at llerar@gmail.com
Currently Listening to: The Roots - Lazy Afternoon.
Last night i saw Iron Man and it was Fucking awsome. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark is the shit. Everyone should see this movie. The animation, rigging, and texturing for Iron man was beautiful. Also stay until after the credits for a special suprise. It was so good I'm going to see it again tonight.
Not listening to any music now b/c I'm in school writting this in a rush. ^_^